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Filters: Author is Hud, Nicholas V and Keyword is Ligands [Clear All Filters]
“Molecular recognition of poly(A) by small ligands: an alternative method of analysis reveals nanomolar, cooperative and shape-selective binding.”, Nucleic Acids Res, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 611-21, 2009.
, “Solution structure and thermodynamics of 2',5' RNA intercalation.”, J Am Chem Soc, vol. 131, no. 16, pp. 5831-8, 2009.
, “Submicromolar, selective G-quadruplex ligands from one pot: thermodynamic and structural studies of human telomeric DNA binding by azacyanines.”, ChemBioChem, vol. 9, no. 12, pp. 1889-92, 2008.